I am a National Award Winner for Outstanding Work done towards Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities. I am honored by receiving the National Role Model award in Multiple Disabilities category from the the Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu on the 3rd December 2018 (International Day of Persons with Disabilities).
I am a Sports Athlete with multiple disability, having Cerebral Palsy and Mentally retardation. I have won many medals in various sport events including Special Olympics at District, State, National, and International levels. I am a multi-talented sport person with exceptional commitment to swimming, walking, throw ball, and bocce games. Recently I had won gold medals for Bocce in TAFISA games 2016 held at Jakarta and also in the Special Olympics National Aquatics Championships Mumbai 2016.
I am one among the list of 32 selected probable to represent India for the upcoming Special Olympics Summer World games going to be held in Abu Dhabi 2019. I am currently preparing and training for the upcoming Special Olympics Summer World Games going to be held in Abu Dhabi 2019 to represent India in Aquatics sports.
I proved that multiple disabilities are not a reason to stop anyone from achieving great heights in the field of sports. I hope my success story presented in this website will be act as an inspirational factor to many such differently abled persons and parents.
I am aged 26 years with low intellectual quotient and severe limitations to physical activities (90% loco-motor disability and 63% mental retardation) has managed to overcome these challenges to become a multi-talented sport person.
I am suffering from Cerebral Palsy and Mentally Retardation from childhood. I have abnormal Gait, Spasticity in both the Hamstring muscles with contractive, Hyperreflexia in both Right and Left Lower Extremity Reflex, and Not Full Lower Extremity Mobility and Lower Extremity Strength.
The challenging physical and mental state represents that I would not be able to stand alone for more than 2 minutes without any support, and unable to understand and speak with any clarity (i.e. blurred words and very limited communications in any form). I only manages to walk for few minutes with splint on both legs because of flexion at knees. I am able to stand independently with 45 degrees flexion of both knees. I walk with crouching gait with functional flexion contractures in the knees to tackle gravity.
I have difficulty in comprehension even for understanding shape and colour concept. The B.K Test Intelligence shows that I has only mental age of 5 years and 4 months, and Intellectual Quotient of 33. I am qualified only to the low level trainable category. My eye contact will not be maintained. I suffer because of inadequate attention and concentration. I have inappropriate laugh behaviour. I am able to comprehend only to simple instructions.
I have poor motor skills and do not have full range of movement at the knees. I am a bonafied orthopaedically handicapped and mentally retarded person who cannot travel without an assistance.
My extraordinary achievements are only possible due to unconditional support from my parents Mr. Rajasekaran and Mrs. Vanitha Rajasekaran. Also my commitment, hard work and adhere to strict discipline help to convert low-level training possibility due to intellectual and physical challenges into international sport award winning calibre.
Please browse this website pages to know more about my achievements. I will continuously update this website with my progress and achievements.
I will be grateful if you could write to me about possible opportunities and support available to achieve my aim to become an International Sport Athlete.
Sriram Srinivas Rajasekaran
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